
Friday, July 4, 2008

A new and great way to make extra money and get your exercise

If you haven't heard there is a great way to earn extra money and get your exercise. It is stealing manhole covers. The manhole covers weigh around 250 pounds a piece and to steal them you have to pry them out of the street with a crowbar while outrunning traffic and then throw them in your car or truck. All this for a whopping $15.oo (yes, fifteen bucks). Almost enough to pay for a half a date (if you consider dinner and a Wendy's combo meal a date). Maybe it's just me, but lifting 250 pound manhole covers and carting them to a scrap dealer for a $15.00 sounds a whole lot like work.

Anyway learn more here:

Spate Of Manhole Cover Thefts Poses Problem

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