
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Funny for the week

That took guts to go ahead and post this after the door fell.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Need a Recharge? Take a walk!

This is one of the most fascinating things I have heard all week! I especially like the concept of actually embedding the technology into a cell phone. Or, what about my netbook?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

NaBloPoMo Day 11: Live Video Web Conferencing in a face to face class?

Ok, so one of my assignments at work has been to develop an online course about a tool we provide for doing live Video Web Conferencing. I have been uncertain as to how exactly your average classroom teacher would use this. Two things have changed my vision on it.

I was with the State Technology Specialist last Friday and he said to me: "You guys (meaning me and my colleagues) shouldn't be teaching Word Processing. You should be on the cutting edge."

I realize that developing a course on collaborating via web conferencing would definitely be more cutting edge than teaching Word Processing.

Secondly, and this came today. One of the folks involved in using the software and a real advocate for the software invited me to watch her train a teacher on the software. The teacher was using some of my friends materials and she conducted a couple of authentic review type questions. She used the software the way I have seen people use a clicker system. She asked questions. Allowed kids to chat about their ideas for an answer and then submit an answer. One of the major things I noticed was that all the kids were engaged and working. But yet again, I don't think technology inherently made it engaging. It was good quality content. But all in all It was terrific! The kids were engaged and we had a great time. I really think I can see where to use this better now.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Lessons from the "Street"

Some of you folks may have noticed a trend on Google this week. Well, the street hit 40. It's hard for me to believe it, but Big Bird is older than me.

This radio broadcast reminded me of the great lessons I learned from Sesame Street.

or click here to listen directly.

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Berlin Wall

This morning on my drive to work I heard an interesting broadcast about a recreation of the Berlin Wall done at Utah Valley University. I couldn't find the archive of it, but UVU's Website has a description of the event. It's hard to believe it's been 20 years.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday Dinner

Sunday Dinner is a big deal around this house. Every week on Saturday Mom asks me. So... What do you want to eat tomorrow? Then begins the pomp. We travel out to the store to buy a cut of meat that will work. Choose our style of potatoes ( I was raised in Idaho it isn't dinner if there aren't potatoes) and then scramble our brains for a vegatables and invariably decide on green beans.

This week! Pork Spare Ribs, Baked Potatoes and green beans! It's fun though because making Sunday Dinner an event is very important to my mom and know she's teaching my kids how to set a table properly and eat with manners. If it weren't for her I am afraid my wife and I and our insanely busy schedule would be teaching the kids that a nice dinner is one where you have an actual paper plate instead of just a paper towel to hold your pizza.

I'll sure be glad though when my wonderful wife will be done with school and may have time to cook full on Dominican meals again! Pernil, arroz con habichuelas y tostones!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fall leaves

Today was the day I chose to get caught up on the fall yard work. I figured it was going to be the last day I would be able to get much done before it got too cold, too wet and too snowy to work. I really did get a lot done. I have been borrowing a neighbors garden spot to supplement my own. We planted 'taters and corn this year. This will be the last year I will be able to do that since the neighbor passed away and his children will be selling the home. He was in 89 years old when he passed away and I lived next door for 4 years. Oddly enough he was killed in an auto accident. I will really miss him. Seeing him out working his garden better than I could my one row of it was amazing. I think this will be my last year for gardens for awhile. My job now has me too busy during the summer months to keep up with it. It's one of the things I really miss about being a classroom teacher. Having solid time in the summer to work on the yard.

Friday, November 6, 2009


I attended C-Forum today and learned a lot about Promethean Boards and a little about the new my.uen blog tool. I learned the blog tool because I took notes with it.

here's my post:
Today we have been learning all about the benefits of the Promethean Interactive whiteboards. There are some very useful tools and I have seen some people create some truly interactive and exceptional, but I still have one problem with them. This isn't just with Promethean, but with all whiteboards. I think they deflect funds and focus away from one to one computing with the emphasis on generative learning, to a center stage with an emphasis on compliant learning.

Now, I don't want to take away from the good things that are done with them, I just feel that the nature of the tool places the emphasis on the front of the room and having everyone come to the same conclusions.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

NABLOPOMO Day 5: Teachers

Ok, I figured out a norm I need to share with teachers. When I teach from now on. I am going to tell all the teachers they aren't allowed to denigrate themselves or belittle themselves. I have watched teachers who are in all ways completely competent belittle themselves when it comes to their level of expertise on a computer program.

Why do teachers adults behave in ways that they would never allow in students? I would never let a student just choose not to learn something or try or opt out. I wouldn't let them sit back and coast, or if I do allow that kind of behavior when working with adults why don't I allow it with teachers?

There's room for a lot there, but anyway! No more bad mouthing ourselves. We are learning! We are learners! We are competent and capable!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

NABLOPOMO Day 4: Teenagers

I have forgotten what teenagers are like a little. Tonight I taught at a local library for the Netsafe Utah grant. It was a little challenging, I had an audience with vastly different ages. 15 year old boys to 11 year old girls. And when it comes to internet safety what those two groups need is different.

Plus, I am not used to the heckling like I once was. When I was in front of teens every day I was used to the banter and could give as good as I got. In this situation I didn't feel like there was enough of a relationship to do that. I had never met these kids and they had never met me. Not a good idea to crack sarcastic jokes in that situation.

It went well and once we got into the swing I think I got through, and I do miss being around teenagers. They are so goofy and there's always something to make you laugh, but I am out of practice.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

NABLOPOMO Day 3: Elections

Today is election day. I didn't make it. I spent the evening helping my two sons and my wife catch up on homework. I really wanted to vote to. We have an election that matters to me. It's just a local election but I really wanted to cast my vote. Not because I felt strongly that one candidate should win but rather that I felt strongly that neither candidate should even be considered.

The problem with local elections is that it's possible to really know the candidates and to know how their opinions, ideas, and abilities will affect the community.

In this case I didn't feel like it was a matter of choosing between the lesser of two evils, but rather the lesser of two idiots. I know these two candidates and feel that realistically we would be better of with neither of them.

Wish I could have voted. I would have wrote in a candidate worthy of the position.

Monday, November 2, 2009

NABLOPOMO Day 2: Monday Musings

Ok, I normally do my Monday Musings on Monday anyway so this isn't too challenging other than I got out of the habit.

I want to talk about an idea. An idea that my be a little different for people of other faiths, but being LDS there is a huge emphasis on being perfect. Christ gave that mandate to people and it is taken as a commandment as much as it is a vision of what is possible by many of the LDS faith. This can be tricky.

Be ye therefore perfect! But what kind of perfect. We normally think of perfection as completely without blemish, spot, error or any kind of fault. The trouble with this is none of us are perfect. None of us can be perfect. In a sense Christ's command to be perfect only makes sense if we understand that it is a command to repent and be made perfect through his atoning blood. In another sense it is a command to be perfect in a finished, whole and complete sense.

My other big thought though is that being perfect doesn't in any sense mean being better than others. I think this perspective is adopted by some people. They believe that if I am better than my neighbor or if they are more sinful than I am that make me more perfect, closer to perfection, better. This can be an extremely damaging perspective because it encourages people to find the faults in others to justify their own shortcomings.

Let's all be perfect! Perfected in Christ, complete and whole!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


This is my first try at NABLOPOMO. I came to blogging late and I haven't really tried this before. I am going to make posts everyday this month, but I am going to be using my personal blog. So watch out here comes the world!