
Monday, June 1, 2009

Tithing a principle with Promise

Yesterday in Sunday School we were discussing the importance of Tithing and Fasting. I heard the greatest story about tithing I have heard in a long tme.

One of the men in our Ward told us of a time when he just didn't have enough money to pay his tithing. He knew that if he paid his tithing then there wouldn't be enough for the bills and food. He decided to show his faith anyway, and he prepared his Tithing envelope, filled out the tithing donation slip, sealed up the envelope and handed it to the Bishop. Later in the week he decided to attend the Temple and as he was coming out of the temple he reached into to pocket of his slacks and found $100.00 the exact amount of his tithing. He was immediately grateful for the blessings of Tithing and of attending the temple. He used the money to take care of his bills. On Sunday at church his Bishop came up to him and said,"Thank you so much for your tithing, everything was fine except you forgot to put the money in the envelope!"

My wife pointed out during Sunday School that we all have miracles in our lives but that we forget them and forget the Lord. It's imotant to remember the lord and that all we have comes from him. He just asks that to show our devotion we give back 10% to build up his kingdom here on earth.

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