
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Let me know Was I wrong?

I really need to write about my bus experiences more often. Yesterday I had one that compelled me to write and to get some advice.

Some background first
Over the last few months I have noticed a gentleman that rides my bus with me. He has sat next to me maybe 5 to 10 times. Now, I have opinions about that but can't really begrudge him sitting next to me since I normally try to sit in the seats near the wheel chair spots so I get more leg room. Over the last couple of days he has sat next to me on the ride up to work. So, I do recognize this guy but I haven't ever really talked to him. Normally, I plug in my headphones and tune out the other folks on the bus because I really don't feel compelled to get to know them. Maybe I'm wrong.

What really makes me think I am wrong is this. Yesterday, this gentleman got on the bus, he hesitated a bit then sat down next to me. He asked me how I was doing, (fine) With no other pre-amble, explanation or reason:

Can I borrow your cell phone?
(insert awkward paus)
Ummm, I don't think so sir, sorry.

So the question? Was I wrong to refuse this guy. Obviously he thought there was a greater level of trust than I did. In that awkward pause above, about 14 things went through my head, not all of them fit to publish, but the main thoughts were. Isn't that presumptious. You are assuming I have a cell phone and that I am totally comfortable handing it off to you. I don't know you.

He seemed flustered that I said "No" but he eventually turned to the 20 year old college student in the seat across from us and asked her. "No" Well, "Sorry, I have limited minutes" Her response reassured me that maybe I wasn't alone in my phobia of phone sharing. But what do you think. Is phone sharing with strangers ok? And if it is should I expect an explanation of why they want my phone.

I think I would have been a whole lot more comfortable if this person had done just two things. Explained that he didn't have his own cell phone, and given me a reason for his call. I assumed it was to call for a ride at the bus stop, but I gotta say, it kinda freaked me out.

My wife's response to this brought up another dynamic. "I put my phone by my face, I am not letting someone I don't know pretty well share my phone."

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